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The Big Book Catalog Series - Part 12, Simpson's Sears!

How long has it been since we've had a Big Book Catalog Series post?  Well parder, that's too long!

And what better way to get back into the swing of things than by taking a look at Simpson's Sears! "What was Simpson's Sears?" you ask.  Well it was the Canadian version of Sears.  But, not to worry.  No, no, no!  They still had all the 70s grooviness that the American version was famous for!

His 'n Her coordinated couples fashions?  Check!  Outrageous use of plaid?  Check!  White platform shoes?  Check!  Well, this Simpson's Sears thing is looking very promising!

 And all of our favorite 70s catalog models?  Check! and Double Check!
Hmmm, there are those withe platform shes again.  Were those a thing in Canada back then or maybe they only had one pair of shoes that all the models had to share!

 They even had those 70s pointy collars in Canada too!!

Big pointy collars again!

Kathy back with some groovy 70s styles!  Yep the 70s were mod all over North America.

One thing about the Simpson's version of Sears is that while they usually had the many of the same models as the American version, they also had their own, Like here.  I don't know who these gals are, but they are lovely!

Yep, more groovy 70s fashions!

 Great action poses!

Yep, just like in America, the Big Book catalogs had everything that a Middle American, er, Middle Canadian family ended for the good like.

I guess instead of the catch phrase "America shops at Sears" they said up in the Great White North "Canada Shops at Simpson's Sears, eh"

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