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American Apparel don't hire Instagram 'hoes' apparently.

American Apparel. Another day another stupid move.

So the company have sent out a casting call for its first set of adverts since Paula Schneider took the helm and started to 'clean up' the company image. I am guessing there is a long road ahead since the company asked for 'no hoes' need apply.

Styleite posted the advert from the company which reveals some choice wording -

“Company is going through a rebranding image so will be shooting models moving forward real models. not Instagram hoes or thots [thots = that hoe over there.]”

The company photogenius posted the advert on behalf of American Apparel and what they mean is the women who take photos of themselves on Instagram in sexy poses to boost their careers. Which also means (mostly) amateur models with no representation from formal agencies. Which could have been worded as such to avoid causing offence. 

The company have since said that the comment was in jest with the models that it shoots and was in no way meant offensively. The problem with this is that not all models are 'in' on the joke and it is offensive. It's offensive that women are (yet again) being referred to as sluts or whores. 

If you want to be taken seriously and change your image then you need to change all of it. You cannot remove women acting sexually from your adverts and then condemn their behaviour (which you encouraged and funded) by using damaging descriptive wording. Oh and remove nipples and pubic hair from adverts for fear of offending people.

So using words like slut or hoe is okay but showing a woman's natural pubic hair and nipples is beyond offensive?!?!?!? Bit of a mixed message really.

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