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Agent Carter [Review] - Feminist Marvel

Peggy Carter hasn't got time for your shit. Credit: ABC/Marvel.

What’s a girl to do when you’re a secret agent living in the 1940s and you’re seemingly not needed post-war anymore? Go it alone of course! Agent Carter (or Marvel’s Agent Carter) follows the ambitious and smart-talking Peggy Carter. Once known as Captain America’s right-hand girl, she has now been relegated to lunch-getter and phone-answerer. In this post-war society, Peggy’s role as seemingly the only female agent in the Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR) has her at a bit of a loss. That is until Howard Stark recruits her to help clear his name, and Peggy is thrust back into the field as a double-agent, finally getting the chance to utilise her skills. After all, disguise, danger, and destruction seem to be this gal’s thing.
While season one focused on this, and Peggy’s attempts to get back the deadly weapons that Stark had been accused of selling while also uncovering who was actually behind the sales. Season two starts off rather amicably in L.A. Leaving the hustle and bustle of New York City behind, Peggy is called in to sunny Los Angeles to help solve the case of The Lady in the Lake – and predictably, atomic weapons seem to be involved (seriously, can they just stop making them? That would solve everything).

One of the most appealing elements of Agent Carter is its focus on Peggy Carter as an independent working woman, highlighting her struggles of character and emotional attachments post-‘Cap’, as well as her ambitions as an agent not content to sit on the side-lines. Hayley Atwell captures Peggy brilliantly, and she has an infectious, and endless energy that can’t help but overwhelm you, breaking down any trepidations you may have had about the casting. Atwell has described her character’s superpower as being that of underestimation, and that she “often uses that to her advantage”, and this is interesting as it offers a view on women in the workplace in that era, and shows how Peggy adapts and manipulates it. Agent Carter is a remarkable woman, who can kick, talk, and think her way out of any scrape, even when an assassin comes to kill her in her humble abode. Fluent in Morse code and filled with feisty back-sass, Peggy is the Marvel Agent we all deserve (and seriously handy in a brawl).

Read the full review filled with Peggy sassiness, here.

Also, just for the hell of it, here's some classic Peggy-goodness: 
the SASS. 
Also, this would be where we chuck in a trailer, but seriously - the trailer isn't accurate for the series at all and really doesn't do it justice - BAD MARVEL. Just go watch the programme instead. Trust us. 

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