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Day 4 in L.A. (You are not alone)

Day 4 = Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 4 is dedicated to all my love ones in Tampa who feels like I left them alone.

Since 2007 I have been in approximately 45 different photo sessions. To be exact that's 45 different sets of clothing. I won't begin to count all the poses. I started gathering my favorites of each batch on Wednesday and ended the process today. I still have many more to eliminate and send to my agent to approve. So much work, such little time.

I have to give a special shout out to my long time friend Marissa Hammonds. We met my junior year high school. Before we were friends she was an unknown stalker of mine. Those ever very frightening days. By the time she revealed herself we have been great friends since. She shocked me today with a very generous donation. She noted her purpose was: "To Help Fuel The Vision." Rissa thank you very much, you are the best. I had a few tear drops fall when I received it (Love, Peace & Hair Grease).

Since I started my business I’ve had a handful of high school friends who have either supported my endeavors and/or patronized my business. Whenever that happens I can’t help but feel great inside. In so many cases high school friends don’t take their former classmates seriously because they may not remember them as a mature person. Based on the support I’ve received I don’t think that was the case for me. If not that, its probably because I attended the best high school in Hillsborough county. Leto High School to be exact. Go Falcons! 

It seems as though the word is getting out in California that Motown Maurice in town. I received two phone calls from people who lives in California and know I"m here. One person in particular I never met called me March of this year. It was a random phone call from a young man named Julian Turner aka DJ Blenz. He seen my youtube interview with Michael Eric Dyson and was inspired by it, looked up my number and simply called. We talked for a while and he asked me for advice and shared his vision with me. 

I must admit around that time he called it was very hard for me focus completely on him because I was in the middle of the first season of The Motown Maurice Show. I did manage to share what I could. He did appreciate my advice and we emailed each other a few times. Furthermore, he got word that I was in California and gave me a call. I’m sure he told me before that he lives in Cali but I was completely clueless of the fact until he called. Now he has a radio show and wants to interview me. He has also made a lot of connections since we last spoke that is willing to share. That’s stupendous and I’m looking to connecting with him on day 5 or so.  

The other call was from a fellow FAMU Rattler. His name is Irwin Moon Miller. He was been a mentor of mine in video production when I started my business back in Tallahassee. He didn’t waste anytime to relocate to L.A. back in 2002. He’s deep in video production out here. He connected me with is wife Tene’ and she told me how to get in contact with FAMU’s L.A. alumni association chapter. I joined their yahoo group and now I’m waiting on the response. That’s going to be a good connect. Go Rattlers! 

The vast majority of my day was typically spent in front of a computer. I did leave the house once to pay a bill and casually walked up and down a few new streets. Not much special with that. The website my agent recommended started to send me multiple listings for work. That's cool but its nothing I was looking forward to writing about. My day seemed pretty typical until I noticed this particular email I received was taunting me. I left it alone for a few hours but for some reason it managed to find away to taunt me again. From that point I couldn’t help myself. I figured what do I have to lose. The truth is I have nothing to lose, only gain. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever consider auditioning for American Idol but I did today. The email I received was for a limited online opportunity to submit a video to be part of American Idol. 

Now let’s get one thing straight. I don't claim myself to be a signer. Don’t get me wrong with the right song I can blow every now and then in  the shower but I don't list singing as one of my best qualities. Nevertheless, I auditioned online. National exposure is my priority now so why not. When I get the exposure everything will come around full circle as I said before. For your entertainment pleasures I have attached a 2nd camera angle of the video I submitted. This song is dedicated everyone in Tampa missing me right now. Please enjoy.